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Global Involvement

It is exciting to see God mobilizing His Church around the globe to care for the fatherless! What started as one small spark in the heart of a Zambian pastor is spreading and igniting flames in the hearts of people and communities and it is making a difference. Since its inception in 2003, the message of Orphan Sunday has spread to churches in 123 countries as of 2020. In 2020 more than 2,000 churches around the world "Checked In" to indicate that they were hosting a dedicated Orphan Sunday event. 


2020 saw 44 Canadian churches participate in an expression of Orphan Sunday. We are praying that in the coming years, thousands of churches will be sharing the gospel call to care for orphans and vulnerable children and challenging one another to seek the Lord's unique role for them in this biblical call.



Join with other believers around the world as we pray for children and families in need, those who care for them and the awakening of Churches. "Check In" to let us know that you are hosting an Orphan Sunday event in 2023. The presence of your check in is an encouragement to fellow believers around the world and allows them to specifically pray for you, your congregation and your event. 

Check In

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27









Global Connections and Resources:

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Faith to Action Initiative

The Faith to Action Initiative serves as a resource for Christian groups, churches, and individuals seeking to respond to the needs of orphans and vulnerable children around the world.


The core focus of their work is to encourage action that is informed by evidence-based “best practice” and that recognizes and upholds the vital importance of family and community in the life of every child through:

  • Downloadable resource guides and small group study materials.

  • Targeted resources and tools for students, mission groups, churches and field practitioners.

  • A guide to research and updates on new findings about best practice.

  • Evidence-based strategies for supporting family care for orphans and vulnerable children.

  • Inspiring stories of these strategies in action, and examples of how churches around the United States are getting involved.

  • Updates on key conferences, videos, publications, and other news.

  • An instructional webinar series and podcasts.


Christian Alliance for Orphans

The Christian Alliance for Orphans unites 190+ respected organizations and over 650 church members.  Their joint initiatives inspire and equip Christians to live out effectively the Bible’s call to care for orphans and vulnerable children. Learn How

CAFO's main initiatives:

  • CAFO SUMMIT  has become a hub of connection, learning and action for the global orphan care movement.  The event brings together leaders, advocates, pastors and parents, from 30+ countries. 

  • GLOBAL NETWORK  connects and equips local churches, NGO’s and advocates in developing nations toward wise and effective care for vulnerable children in their communities.  

  • NATIONAL CHURCH MINISTRY INITIATIVE  helps local churches start and grow effective and sustainable foster care, adoption and orphan care ministries through webinars, resources, workshops and personal coaching sessions.  

  • NATIONAL FOSTER CARE INITIATIVE  works to see the church help provide “more than enough” for every child and family in foster care — so every single one can experience God’s love through the hospitality and care of His people.  

  • ORPHAN SUNDAY  A global movement, active in more than 85 countries worldwide to spark awareness and action for vulnerable children in local churches around the globe. 

  • OVC RESEARCH  The Applied Research and Best Practice Initiative helps improve the quality of care for orphans around the globe by helping child-serving organizations to integrate current research and best practice models into their programs that aid children and families in more than 100 countries.  

  • STUDENT INITIATIVE  helps to prepare young leaders for a lifetime of effective, God-honoring service to orphans.  


Hope and Homes for Children 

Hope and Homes for Children is a global expert in the field of deinstitutionalisation. By closing institutions, supporting children into loving, stable families and working with governments to tackle the root causes of family breakdown, we are working towards a day where orphanages have been eliminated for good. Hope and Homes for Children is at the forefront of a growing global movement to eliminate the institutional care of children. They work alongside governments and civil society organizations in over 30 countries to dismantle orphanage-based care systems. Their transformation model is driving reform and laying the foundations for long-lasting change through 

  • working with political leaders to create the environment for comprehensive and sustainable reform.

  • pioneering closures and training of child protection professionals and policy makers to build know-how in country.

  • working with governments and civil society organizations to build a strong, educated national social workforces.

  • creating the right conditions for multilateral funders to invest in the transition to family-based care systems.


Their Mission is to be the catalyst for the global elimination of institutional care for children.

Their Vision is a world in which children no longer suffer institutional care.


Orphan Sunday Canada is national expression of the Christian Alliance for Orphans Orphan Sunday 

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