Canadian Organizations Caring for Kids
Christian Organizations:
Clinical counselling, consultation and education for adoptive families, foster parents, adoptees, children & youth in care, school professionals, social workers, and adoption professionals.
ABBA Canada provides financial adoption assistance, resources and support to equip churches to care for the fatherless and support for adoptive families.
Amaris (formerly Christian Adoption Services) was founded in 1989 as a non-profit adoption agency, licensed by the Government of Alberta under the Child, Youth, and Family Enhancement Act to provide professional adoption and family support services to residents of Alberta. With experienced accredited social workers in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Lethbridge, LaCrete, and Grand Prairie they serve a wide range of rural and urban communities throughout Alberta.

Brighter Futures Child Sponsorship
Brighter Futures Child Sponsorship program provides financial support to Salvation Army programs that enable children to receive food, clothing, shelter, education, medical needs and spiritual and loving care for impoverished and vulnerable children in developing countries.
Child Care International registers children for sponsorship in 10 countries around the world. They provide Christian education through our partnership with Christian schools and churches in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Christian Children's Fund of Canada
Christian Children’s Fund of Canada creates a future of hope for children, families, and communities by helping them develop the skills and resources to overcome poverty and pursue justice. Working in 12 countries around the world they provide water, sanitation, education, health and nutrition, economic supports, community strengthening, and child sponsorship.

Christ's Hope International
Christ's Hope International goes into areas with a high rate of AIDS-affected, orphaned, and vulnerable children and intervenes and helps children who would be institutionalized, abandoned, or trafficked stay in a family unit. Operating in seven countries in Africa, they have cared for over 1,300 children at 28 Ministry CarePoints.
CSB provides a Framework for the men of the local church to win and train boys and young men of their community for Jesus Christ. They engage men in becoming spiritual fathers to their sons and to the fatherless with opportunities to spend dynamic, profitable time teaching their boys God’s Word.

Christian Children's Fund of Canada
"Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' Name", Compassion's Child Sponsorship Program gives children the skills and opportunities to overcome poverty.
One of Emblaze Ministries' projects pairs widows with orphans, creating family units which enable both to have brighter futures as they grow and live together.
The Father' Heart foundation exists to create and sustain holistic, family-based,"adoptive-style" orphan care villages -beginning in El Salvador. Their work includes: providing Christian education, preaching the Gospel and making disciples, repairing homes, offering food and clothing, sending a few children through school and university, training and discipling at-risk youth, and teaching aquaponics.
Feed the Hungry works in various countries around the world to provide daily meal to boys and girls, giving them a chance to get a primary education while offering them hope for a better, brighter future. Meals are delivered through local church partners, connecting them to God's family so that the children receive spiritual nourishment to help them grow in Christ.
Friends of the Orphans Canada mission is to provide children with food, clothing, health care and education in a family environment based on the principles of unconditional acceptance and love, sharing, work and responsibility in Latin America and the Caribbean. Friends of the Orphans is also expanding to include other parts of the world and within Canada where children need their services and support.
Global Aid Network is revealing hope by sharing God’s unconditional love and restoring life by demonstrating the gospel through compassionate action to those who are living in poverty, injustice and crisis around the world. Their work in crisis, injustice and poverty situations around the world results in substantial ministry to orphans and vulnerable children.

God's Littlest Angels Canada
God's Littlest Angels Canada is dedicated to financially supporting the abandoned and orphaned children of Haiti by ensuring we meet their needs of food, shelter, medical attention, education and love.

Gospel for Asia is committed to serving the “least of these” in Asia, often in places where no one else is serving, so that they can experience the love of God for the first time. Initiatives include: sponsoring national missionaries, child sponsorship, developing communities, disaster relief and compassionate care.
Canadians committed to relieving poverty by providing basic amenities, medical and health care, and basic social services to orphaned and impoverished children in Haiti through child and community outreach sponsorship.
Home for Every Child is committed to promoting awareness of the current global orphan crisis and the need for special needs and waiting child adoption. Supporting their message that children need to grow up in families, they help Canadians overcome the barriers to opening their homes (adoption, foster care, respite, kinship) and help families who have opened their homes to access the supports that they need to care well for their kids over the long-term.
Breaking the cycle of extreme poverty and offering hope and a brighter future to the most vulnerable children and families living in Korah, Ethiopia. Hope for Korah provides essential care to the entire family by addressing their physical health, spiritual needs, psycho-social support, education, and economic stability. They strive to keep families healthy and together by acting through the love and compassion of Christ, so that each person can come to know their inherent worth, reach their full potential, live with dignity, and become self-reliant.
Horizon Empowers is determined to break cycles of poverty through rescuing, restoring and empowering orphaned children, vulnerable children and at-risk youth to a life of self-sustainability.
Hungry for Life connects people together through meaningful long-term projects, bringing about physical and spiritual change. A number of their partner projects minister to orphans and widows in various countries.
James Project Canada partners with James Project of Latin America to:
1. Relieve poverty by providing food and other basic necessities of life to children and youth who are in need
2. Meet the needs of those that have been affected by abandonment, neglect, abuse, and/or trafficking
3. Fulfill the call of James 1:27, "Religion that God our Father considers pure and undefiled is this, caring for orphans and widows in their distress, and keeping oneself pure from this world."
Impact Ministries Canada runs a Home for Children in Tactic, Guatemala where infants and small children find temporary and/or long-term shelter and are loved and cared for in a Christian environment that seeks to bring hope and healing as these little ones navigate through the trauma, neglect and rejection they have experienced.
International Needs Canada is a Christian charity that provides education, health care, food and safe water to individuals across the world and seeks to free children, families and communities from the cruelty of poverty and injustice.
ICMS provides, within an agency framework, direction and control to more than seventy expressions of missional focus in over forty countries around the world. From Bible schools and orphanages, to self-help, literacy and feeding programs, ICMS ensures that projects are managed according to a strict set of guidelines.
Lifesong for Orphans (Canada) oversees the Lifesong Harmony School in Kitwe, Zambia for 535 pre-school to 11 students. All of the students attend the school free of charge because of the child sponsorship program which allows donors to provide school uniforms, school supplies, medical care, wages for our staff, and two meals each day.
LIV strives to address South Africa's orphan crisis by placing orphaned and vulnerable children into a family environments with a trained foster mother to love them, a school to educate them, and a community where all their needs are met.
Mission Possible focuses on educating and equipping Haitian and Dominican leaders, through Christian schools (pre-K through 13th grade), churches, discipleship classes, a Bible Training Center, and a Vocational School.
Moms in Prayer International impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray. Representatives and groups in many provinces.
One Heart is a charity registered in Canada and the USA that cares for vulnerable babies in Taiwan that others are unable to care for.
Orphan’s Hope connects their supporters to projects and opportunities that can forever change the lives of vulnerable children. Orphan’s Hope is committed to making a life-changing difference, where orphans are suffering and in need of the “Hope” in Jesus Christ.
Provision of Hope is dedicated to serving the poor in Liberia, West Africa and the Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana, as well as in Mexico. They share the love of God by reaching out with His compassion for the “least of these”. Their mission is to respond to the cries of the ORPHAN, the WIDOW and the REFUGEE by providing food, shelter, clothing, medicine and education for those in need.
Safe Families Canada is a movement of compassion involving collaboration between area churches, volunteers and Christian organizations in order to support at-risk children and parents in need.
Seeds of Hope Children's Ministry is committed to serving Jesus Christ with a mission to help orphans and the less fortunate around the world. it started after hearing about the plight of children orphaned because of AIDS. It then opened the first home for HIV/AIDS infected children in Thailand. The work has spread to bringing relief to children in several countries, with the biggest project located in Ndola, Zambia.
Special Hope Network is improving care for kids with intellectual disabilities in Zambia by equipping families and caregivers to provide these children with a loving home, holistic health care and exceptional education and therapies.
Here is a unique one: a great example that "everyone can do SOMETHING." Spice Aid is a project birthed out of a passion for wanting to serve the many widows and orphans (James 1:27) in India and a love of curry! Their family history in missions involved ministering to orphans and widows for over four decades in South India, and medical missionaries in Zimbabwe. Spice Aid is a Community Contribution Company (CCC) in Victoria, BC which is a unique social enterprise business model created to support the marginalized and poor. This new BC hybrid business structure allows them to pursue social goals through an innovative businesses model where 100% of the profits from the food truck will be used to support orphanages, mission work and community projects among the poor in South India and other third world nations. They serve ethnic folk food from an approved food trailer with the goal to provide lip smacking food with intriguing flavors/ spices while channeling profits to support the cause of the needy. ‘Spice Aid’ wants to make a difference. "Here’s our bottom line: Make and sell awesome curry, wow people with the quality of food and flavor, generate profit, and then give the profits away! One day we hope to replicate this vision in other major centers across Canada."
Step International seeks to transform the lives of underprivileged children, under-resourced national men and women in downtrodden communities through multi-faceted sustainable development programs in South Asia. Through Child Sponsorship, they provide formal English education that is affordable, accessible and value-based to under-resourced children in communities.
Among other ministries in Myanmar, they promote overseas poverty alleviation programs to help orphans and poor children in undeveloped or developing countries and regions, provide loving nutritious lunches, build bridges, pave roads, build classrooms, and provide wheelchairs for the disabled.
Thrive is a worldwide not-for-profit based in Canada operating out of Kenya and providing organic agricultural training and development programs to people in every country of the world. Thrive helps the extreme poor in Africa through sustainable organic agriculture and natural medicine. The availability of healthy food and creation of extra income helps caregivers buy food that they can’t grow themselves to prevent premature parental death and the creation of more orphans.
The focus of Voice of Hope is to improve the quality of life for impoverished widows and orphans in Kenya. They encourage women spiritually, physically, and emotionally with the Word of God and by facilitating opportunities for them to have better everyday lives and self sustainability.
World vision is a global relief, development and advocacy organization that partners with children, families and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.
Looking for more domestic (Canadian - focused) connections?
Visit our sister site Stand Sunday Canada:

Connection Events
(Canada and Abroad)
A Child's Song Conference
Date unknown
A 2 day conference to equip and educate anyone interested in understanding children who have experienced adoption and foster care. With an emphasis on professional development for the first day and family and community focused topics the second day, the conference typically features more than 15 different sessions facilitated by a variety of adoption competent clinicians, psychologists and community partners. Participants also have access to exciting new adoption focused resources and information.
Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) Global Summit
October 1-3, 2025 in Houston, Texas
The CAFO annual Global Summit brings together a community of kindred hearts who come together from around the world. Parents and pastors, experts and organizations, leaders and servants. Each eager both to share and to receive — expertise and encouragement, resources and friendship. All passionate to see children thrive in adoption, foster care and effective service to the vulnerable worldwide. Seeking justice and mercy, rooted deep in the Gospel of God’s unfailing love. This is a fantastic event for connecting with other like-hearted individuals, learning best practices from global leaders and being encouraged for all that God is doing around the world through His people for vulnerable children.
Hope for the Journey (Previously Empowered to Connect)
Available online throughout the year​
A fantastic conference from the USA teaching the impacts of trauma and chronic stress on the brain development of children and how that translates into their behaviours and ability to cope with day-to-day life. Introduction to the Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) model of how caring adults can help bring hope and healing to these kids from hard places. The conference is recorded and made available on their learning platform with 3 month or 12 month paid access.
Individuals can purchase access to watch at home
Organizations can purchase access and host an in-person training event
Bulk passes can be purchased to provide to others
Connect with other Canadians who are excited about this material and know about in-person learning events on the TBRI Resources and Connections for Canada Facebook Page
Access a compilation of supporting materials for Canadian families and ministries which are directly related to Empowered to Connect and TBRI. Trainer lists, resource lists and other useful information along with answers to frequently asked questions from Canadian Empowered to Connect Attendees can be found HERE.
Replanted Conference Canada
Nov 7 & 8, 2025 in Surrey, BC and possibly sites in Alberta, Sk, and Ontario!
The Replanted Conference is a Christian conference designed for foster and adoptive parents, Safe Family parents, kinship providers. This retreat-like conference is a time for you to escape from the distractions and chaos of life and be physically, emotionally, spiritually refreshed, and inspired as well as better equipped to care well for your kids from hard pasts. The Replanted Conference is not a foster/adoptive recruiting conference. It is all about supporting parents like you on your post-placement journey.
Care Impact Academy
Winnipeg, MB and Online​
Care Impact Academy offers TBRI and trauma-specialized training for individuals, families, churches and communities across Canada with in-person and virtual events.